Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Vacations with cooper

We just got back from baton rouge.....and we got to see the bucs beat the saints at LSU stadium......it was a great time....one of the many things that I am excited about for cooper, is getting to see him at his first game in all his little bucs stuff.......We saw several little ones at the game and they seemed to have a ball.....just for the record the Mrs. and I as well as our best friends Mel and Neil have come to a conclusion...............the nicest people in america are in baton rouge..........We met some of the friendliest people everyday that we were there....it was amazing.....
but anyway......next year when we vacation, we get to pack up cooper and take him on one of his many first adventures........and that is a cool thing.............
I am the luckiest guy I know....for no other reason than I am going to be coop's dad and that I am jessica's husband....sounds corny I know............but, it makes me happy and that is all that matters.............

one day closer and one less day of waiting..

cooper's dad


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